
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canadiana Cookies

This is a collection of Canadian flags and Canada themed flowers that were made for a Canada day party coming up this weekend!

One of the main hazards when taking photos of cookies is forgetting to take photos before they are wrapped.

The above cookies were actually made for Victoria day in May. The motif is actually a replica of Queen Victoria's profile. These can be made of any one's profile. I actually made a cookie of my own face for another cookie collection.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Kitchener Rangers Cookies

Most of the people who know me know that I am a huge Kitchener Rangers fan. I've missed about 5 homes games over the past 8 seasons. Needless to say, I was delighted to make these Rangers cookies as a fathers day gift for a fellow fan.

It was a lot of fun making designs that I knew a true fan would understand.

For example, 1 is the only number a Kitchener player cannot take. Scott Dickie was the last Ranger to wear the number 1, since it was dedicated to the team's fans a few years back. 

Now if only they could win another Memorial Cup...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cookies of Catan

These cookies were made for my dad for his birthday. They were inspired by the game Settlers of Catan. You probably recognize them if you have ever played before. My family is obsessed with this game. We blame my brother in law.

There is actually over three dozen cookies put together to create one game board! Some of theme were designed after the actual game tiles, others were my own design. More pictures of these to come - as soon as I get my hands on them!